The universal photoluminescence behaviour of yellow light emitting (Ga,In)N/GaN heterostructures

D. Rosales, H.T. Ngo, P. Valvin, K. Lekhal, B. Damilano, P. De Mierry, B. Gil and T. Bretagnon
Probing the Dynamics of a Nuclear Spin Bath in Diamond through Time-Resolved Central Spin Magnetometry

A. Dréau, P. Jamonneau, O. Gazzano, S. Kosen, J.-F. Roch, J.R. Maze, and V. Jacques
Recombination dynamics of excitons with low non-radiative component in semi-polar (10-11)-oriented GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells

D. Rosales, B. Gil, T. Bretagnon, B. Guizal, N. Izyumskaya, M. Monavarian, F. Zhang, S. Okur, V. Avrutin, U. Ozgur and H. Morkoc
Passive charge state control of nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond using phosphorous and boron doping

K. Groot-Berning, N. Raatz, I. Dobrinets, M. Lesik, P. Spinicelli, A. Tallaire, J. Achard, V. Jacques, J.-F. Roch, A. M. Zaitsev, J. Meijer and S. Pezzagna
Unifying the low-temperature photoluminescence spectra of carbon nanotubes: the role of acoustic phonon confinement

F. Vialla, Y. Chassagneux, R. Ferreira, C. Roquelet, C. Diederichs, G. Cassabois, P. Roussignol, J. Lauret & C. Voisin
Dual light-emitting nanoparticles: second harmonic generation combined with rare-earth photoluminescence

L. Mayer, G. Dantelle, V. Jacques, S. Perruchas, G. Patriarche, J.-F. Roch, and T. Gacoin
Multimode Storage and Retrieval of Microwave Fields in a Spin Ensemble

C. Grezes, B. Julsgaard, Y. Kubo, M. Stern, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, H. Sumiya, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, V. Jacques, J. Esteve, D. Vion, D. Esteve, K. Mølmer, and P. Bertet
Polar and semipolar GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N nanostructures for UV light emitters

J. Brault, D. Rosales, B. Damilano, M. Leroux, A. Courville, M. Korytov, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, B. Vinter, P. De Mierry, A. Kahouli, J. Massies, T. Bretagnon and B. Gil
Nanoscale imaging and control of domain-wall hopping with a nitrogen-vacancy center microscope

J.-P. Tetienne, T. Hingant, J.-V. Kim, L. Herrera Diez, J.-P. Adam, K. Garcia, J.-F. Roch, S. Rohart, A. Thiaville, D. Ravelosona, V. Jacques
Magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond

L. Rondin, J.-P. Tetienne, T. Hingant, J.-F. Roch, P. Maletinsky, and V. Jacques