Ultraviolet light emitting diodes using III-N quantum dots

J. Brault, S. Matta, T. H. Ngo, D. Rosales, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, M. Al Khalfioui, F. Tendile, S. Chenot, P. De Miery, J. Massies and B. Gil
Temperature dependence of Raman-active phonons and anharmonic interactions in layered hexagonal BN

R. Cuscó, B. Gil, G. Cassabois, and L. Artús
External control of dissipative coupling in heterogeneously integrated photonic crystal SOI waveguide optomechanical system conditions

V. Tsvirkun, A. Surrente, F. Raineri, G. Beaudoin, R. Raj, I. SAgnes, I. Robert-Philip and R. Braive
Efficient single photon emission from a high-purity hexagonal boron nitride crystal

L. J. Martínez, T. Pelini, V. Waselowski, J. R. Maze, B. Gil, G. Cassabois, and V. Jacques
Phonon-Photon Mapping in a Color Center in Hexagonal Boron Nitride

T. Q. P. Vuong, G. Cassabois, P. Valvin, A. Ouerghi, Y. Chassagneux, C. Voisin, and B. Gil
Direct measurement of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in X/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures with a scanning-NV magnetometer

I. Gross, L. J. Martínez, J.-P. Tetienne, T. Hingant, J.-F. Roch, K. Garcia, R. Soucaille, J. P. Adam, J.-V. Kim, S. Rohart, A. Thiaville, J. Torrejon, M. Hayashi, and V. Jacques
Towards a spin-ensemble quantum memory for superconducting qubits

C. Grezes, Y. Kubo, B. Julsgaard, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, H. Sumiya, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, K. Nakamura, I. Diniz, A. Auffèves, V. Jacques, J.-F. Roch, D. Vion, D. Esteve, K. Moelmer, and P. Bertet
Production of bulk NV centre arrays by shallow implantation and diamond CVD overgrowth

M. Lesik, N. Raatz, A. Tallaire, P. Spinicelli, R. John, J. Achard, A. Gicquel, V. Jacques, J.-F. Roch, J. Meijer, and S. Pezzagna
Auger effect in yellow light emitters based on InGaN–AlGaN–GaN quantum wells
T. H. Ngo, B. Gil, P. Valvin, B. Damilano, K. Lekhal, P. De Mierry
Investigation of Al y Ga1− y N/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum dot properties for the design of ultraviolet emitters

J. Brault, S. Matta, T. H. Ngo, M. Korytov, D. Rosales, B. Damilano, M. Leroux, P. Vennegues, M. Al khalfioui, A. Courville, O. Tottereau, J. Massies and B. Gil