Nanoscale Magnetometry
Vincent JACQUES, Isabelle PHILIP & Aurore FINCO
Quantum sensors take advantage of the extreme sensitivity of quantum systems to external perturbations to accurately measure a broad range of physical quantities. Among a wide variety of quantum systems employed for sensing purposes, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect in diamond has garnered considerable attention in the last decade for the development of highly sensitive magnetometers.
The main focus of the team is devoted to the use of these NV-based sensors, enabling non-invasive, quantitative and vectorial magnetic field imaging with an unprecedented combination of nanoscale spatial resolution and ultrahigh magnetic sensitivity. These unique capabilities are applied to explore exotic spin textures in magnetic nanostructures and to tackle fundamental problems in condensed matter physics at room temperature and in cryogenic environments, with a particular focus on antiferromagnets, ferrimagnets and 2D magnetic materials.
We also explore the use of spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride flakes for implementing flexible and transferable magnetic field wide-field imagers.

Diamond-based scanning magnetometer
Electric-field-induced multiferroic topological solitons
A. Chaudron, Z. Li, A. Finco, P.l Marton, P. Dufour, A. Abdelsamie, J. Fischer, S. Collin, B. Dkhil, J. Hlinka, V. Jacques, J.-Y. Chauleau, M. Viret, K. Bouzehouane, S. Fusil and V. Garcia
Fast current-induced skyrmion motion in synthetic antiferromagnets
V. T. Pham, N. Sisodia, I. Di Manici, J. Urrestarazu-Larrañaga, K. Bairagi, J. Pelloux-Prayer, R. Guedas, L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Auffret, A. Locatelli, T. O. Menteş, S. Pizzini, P. Kumar, A. Finco, V. Jacques, G. Gaudin and O. Boulle
Onset of Multiferroicity in Prototypical Single-Spin Cycloid BiFeO3 Thin Films
P. Dufour, A. Abdelsamie, J. Fischer, A. Finco, A. Haykal, M. F. Sarott, S. Varotto, C. Carrétéro, S. Collin, F. Godel, N. Jaouen, M. Viret, M. Trassin, K. Bouzehouane, V. Jacques, J.-Y. Chauleau, S. Fusil and V. Garcia
Imaging Topological Defects in a Noncollinear Antiferromagnet
A. Finco, A. Haykal, S. Fusil, P. Kumar, P. Dufour, A. Forget, D. Colson, J.-Y. Chauleau, M. Viret, N. Jaouen, V. Garcia, and V. Jacques
Quantitative Imaging of Exotic Antiferromagnetic Spin Cycloids in BiFeO3 Thin Films
H. Zhong, A. Finco, J. Fischer, A. Haykal, K. Bouzehouane, C. Carrétéro, F. Godel, P. Maletinsky, M. Munsch, S. Fusil, V. Jacques and V. Garcia
Characterization of room-temperature in-plane magnetization in thin flakes of CrTe2 with a single-spin magnetometer
F. Fabre, A. Finco, A. Purbawati, A. Hadj-Azzem, N. Rougemaille, J. Coraux, I. Philip, and V. Jacques
Imaging non-collinear antiferromagnetic textures via single spin relaxometry
A. Finco, A. Haykal, R. Tanos, F. Fabre, S. Chouaieb, W. Akhtar, I. Robert-Philip, W. Legrand, F. Ajejas, K. Bouzehouane, N. Reyren, T. Devolder, J.-P. Adam, J. V. Kim, V. Cros and V. Jacques
Electric and antiferromagnetic chiral textures at multiferroic domain walls
J.-Y. Chauleau, T. Chirac, S. Fusil, V. Garcia, W. Akhtar, J. Tranchida, P. Thibaudeau, I. Gross, C. Blouzon, A. Finco, M. Bibes, B. Dkhil, D.D. Khalyavin, P. Manuel, V. Jacques, N. Jaouen, and M. Viret