Published in AIP Advances: Optimal architecture for diamond-based wide-field thermal imaging

AIP Advances 10, 025027 (2020)
Published in Nanoletters: Strongly Confined Excitons in GaN/AlN Nanostructures with Atomically Thin GaN Layers for Efficient Light Emission in Deep-Ultraviolet

Nanoletters 20, 158 (2020)
Published in Nature Materials: Electric and antiferromagnetic chiral textures at multiferroic domain walls

Nature materials 19, 286 (2020)
We welcome two new PhDs!

Yoann Baron and Maxime Rollo joined our group for a PhD in the team. Welcome to both of them!
Published in Physical Review Materials: Shallow and deep levels in carbon-doped hexagonal boron nitride crystals

Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 094001 (2019)
Published in Diamond and Related Materials: Optimizing synthetic diamond samples for quantum sensing technologies by tuning the growth temperature

Diamond and Related Materials 96, 85 (2019)
Published in Phys. Rev. Appl.: Current-Induced Nucleation and Dynamics of Skyrmions in a Co -based Heusler Alloy

Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 034066 (2019)
We welcome two new PhDs and a new post-doctoral fellow!

Florentin Fabre and Alrick Durand joined our group for a PhD in the team. Welcome also to Aurore Finco who joined us as a post-doctoral fellow!
Published in Phys. Rev. Materials: Skyrmion morphology in ultrathin magnetic films

Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 024406 (2018)
We welcome two new PhDs, Rana Tanos and Angela Haykal!

Rana Tanos and Angela Haykal join our group for a PhD in the team.